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Year-End Insurance Reminder

Our staff here at All Family Dental Care would like to give those patients who have health savings accounts, flexible spending, and insurance benefits a friendly reminder that the end of the year is fast approaching and it’s time to schedule your dental visit to get the most out of your benefits. Most health insurance benefits operate on an annual basis.

Dental insurance usually covers annual appointments, preventive services, and professional cleanings at no cost to you. Most often copay is not required. If you are unsure of your out-of-pocket expense, we’d be glad to review your dental insurance and verify your basic coverage. Take advantage of those free dental cleanings!

Your deductibles will reset at the start of the new year. If you’ve already satisfied your deductible, now is the time to take care of last minute treatments and save money. Prolonging dental treatment usually results in more expenses down the road.

Use your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars. Remember that FSAs are a use-it or lose-it benefit. If you fail to use the money you deposited in the account before the year is over, you will forfeit those funds. FSAs can be used to pay for dental services and treatment. We also have financing options available for patients needing an alternative to flexible spending.

Let us help you maximize all your insurance benefits through proper scheduling. Some procedures require multiple appointments and extra time for lab restorations. We have the option of starting some treatments at the end of one year and completing after the next year begins, providing you with two years coverage on one treatment. By doing this, we are able to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

If you anticipate dental work in the upcoming year and want to budget your health savings accounts and FSA, schedule a consultation with us and let us provide an estimate. You can budget your payroll contribution, and most FSAs will provide those funds up front at the beginning of the year, so you can start treatment sooner rather than later.

Don’t delay any longer! Now is the time to reserve your appointment with us. We tend to get busy around the holidays and at year end, so space is limited.