Blog |2 min read

Memorial Day and Getting Ready for Summer

Memorial Day reminds us of picnics, barbecues, and soaking up the rays poolside. Some of us will use this as time of leisure, soaking up the sunlight with friends and family or vacationing for a change of scenery while making new memories. However you spend the holiday, we want you to be safe, have fun, and keep a few things in mind as summer approaches.

Wear Sunscreen: Sunscreen has been proven to decrease the development of skin cancer. It helps to prevent facial spots and skin discolorations, reduces the appearance of red veins and blotchiness, and slows down the signs of premature aging in your skin. Twenty years from now you will not regret having worn it when you compare your skin to those around you who haven’t. Beauty experts believe it’s the best skin care regimen for everyone.

Eat a Balanced Diet: In the summer months we are often surrounded by more food than usual; barbecues, picnics, dining out, and vacations expose us to delicious, tempting choices more often than at other times throughout the year. Because of this, it is easy to overlook the impact this food is having on your health and waistline. This doesn’t mean you have to go without, practicing moderation and adding some physical activity can make a huge impact.

Get Your Air Conditioner Checked: It’s recommended that your AC get serviced each year so preventive maintenance performed on it. This is far cheaper than costly repairs or replacing the whole unit. We recommend getting this done early in the summer before the high temperatures set in.

Schedule Annual Appointments: How many times have you contacted the doctor or dentist office to find that you have to wait weeks to get an appointment? Avoid the end of summer rush by scheduling those appointments now. At minimum you should be getting an annual physical examination and dental cleaning.

We wish everyone a fantastic summer, and in the midst of all the hustle and bustle don’t forget to take a little time for some R&R.