Blog |2 min read

March is National Nutrition Month!

It’s no secret that a balanced, nutritious diet is essential to health living. While your diet is important to maintaining your overall health, it can also play a very important role in preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

If you don’t take care of your teeth and gums, your poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of other health problems. Oral and facial pain, infection, problems with the heart or other major organs, and digestive problems have all been linked to oral health.

Choosing the right foods and following a healthy diet can help you have healthy teeth and good oral hygiene. The foods that you eat come in contact with the bacteria and germs that live in your mouth. Over time plaque will accumulate on your teeth. When plaque combines with the sugars and starches in food, an acid is produced that attacks tooth enamel and then causes decay.

Choosing the right foods may sound easy, but it can be difficult. Foods such as milk, fruits, cereals, and breads also contain sugars and starches. Practicing moderation, eating a balanced diet, and brushing twice a day are recommended habits.

We suggest establishing healthy habits early on in kids and teenagers by encouraging a lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, good eating patterns, and healthful food choices.

If diet changes are needed, remember to keep it simple. Choosing one or two goals and making small changes can increase the chances of sustaining these new healthy habits.

Other tips for staying healthy include; drinking plenty of water, eating a balanced diet that includes all of the major food groups, limiting snacks and drinks that are high in sugar, cutting down on snacking between meals, and avoiding smoking and using tobacco.

You can improve your family’s oral health by maintaining a healthy regimen of brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for cleaning and checkups.

We strive to support all of our patients in all aspects of oral care and healthy living and are here to support you in your efforts to lead a happy, healthy life.